-Website: pr0gramm.com
-Web video: This one
-Food: Anything you can put Mayonnaise on
-Person on Instagram: @fly_thy
-Travel destination: German Cities
-Riders to ride with: The GBB-Crew
-Car: Lowered BMW E34 525i
-Movie: Pulp fiction, Death Proof, Kung Fury
-Colour: Winered
-Shoes: Lotek
-Bike company: Flybikes
-BMX contest: Wethepeople Session series
-Bike shop: 360shop.de
-Restaurant chain: Subway
-Clothing company: Lotek, Versace, Gucci
-Phone: iPhone 5s
-Music: Rock n' Roll, Oldies, New Retro Wave
-Ramp rider: Niklas Wille
-Street rider: Dennis Erhardt
-Dirt rider: Ryan Nyquist
-Flatland rider: Kevin Nikulski
-Old school rider: Thomas Stellwag
-Drink: Waldhaus Beer
-Trick: Barspins (Only thing thing I can do properly, haha)
-BMX Magazine: Freedombmx - r.i.p „frown“-Emoticon
-Video game: Far Cry series
-BMX photographer: Martin 'XMX' Ohliger
-BMX Filmer: Adrian Kölz
-Girl: see car.
-Sport besides BMX: Fixing rides..
-Party: Have you ever met drunk Germans? That's how