Shenker: The flatland scene is super strong. Loads of talent and good riders. All backed up by the OG guys (, the host one of the most popular jams of the year, the Summer Gypsy Games. Street/dirt scene is growing as well, lots of tight jeans, big bars, emo haircuts, talent...the skatepark situation sucks though.
Hungary has had a strong flatland scene. Do you hang out with the flatland riders in your country much?
Shenker: Yes, I hang out with the OG guys. I have known them since day 1, when I rode flatland too.
With BMX and skateboarding getting more and more mainstream, does this result in new skateparks everywhere or do you still have to get the shovel and the hammers out there to create your own riding spots?
Ben Shenker: Skateparks in Budapest are always struggling. We have one indoor park here and it's close to shutting down. Other cities have good parks. Dirt/trails are getting better each year, more and more popping up.
From wethepeople flow you went to the European HARO bikes team. What kind of bike have you been riding lately?
Shenker: I'm on a WTP Miller Lite, I get flow from the OG shop. I'm gonna have a signature frame from them which I'm looking forward to.
Unfortunately you have been injured on a regular basis. Have those injuries helped in any way with your Physical therapy studies?
Shenker: I had about 2 years of constant injury, then something almost every season. I kind of got used to it. Of course I spent loads of time on rehab and with physiotherapists. I've always been interested in biology, did that for 3 years at uni, then transfered to physiotherapy. Riding/being injured definitely helped, I got to know how our body functions, heals, and how to avoid some injuries.
How have you been able to combine school with riding?
Shenker: Well, I try too. It's half-and-half now, but school's gonna win later on. Sometimes I wish I could ride every day, all the time, all my life....but we all know you can't, so I feel lucky I've found something I have similar dedication for, something I can do later on down the road...
Being where you live you almost have to travel far for any major (European) contest. Do you have a cheap airline that you take on a regular basis?
Shenker: No, and being far sucks.
Did you ever have to deal with your bike or bags being lost at the airlines?
Shenker: Sometimes. In Europe I never take my bike apart, just roll up at the airport, let the air out and that's it. In the States it's bags and broken wheels...I say it's a foldable massage table, that usually works.
Do you like to travel?
Shenker: Yes.
Would you have traveled as much as you have if it wasn't for BMX?
Shenker: I don't think so.
What is a city/country where you have been that you liked so much that you could move there?
Shenker: I've been to a lot of places, but I always end up back home in Budapest. Australia if I had to choose.
You are allowed to beam three things to a deserted island. What would they be?
Shenker: 1: A golden fish that could beam me anything, whenever. 2: see no.1. 3: see no.1.
2008 New year resolution?
Shenker: Stay healthy and save gorillas.
Thanks to: All my sponsors, Bart for the questions, girl, family, friends.
Pics: RedBull