-BMX video: Ride Insight
-Website: Ride BMX
-Web video: Beat of The Street (2012)
-Food: Anything with cheese
-Person on Instagram: @robdiquat @rodeopeanut
-Travel destination: Vietnam!
-Riders to ride with: Tim Karjalanien, Marc Asturias and all my friends!
-Car: Ford crown vic
-Movie: Star Wars! (Whole saga)
-Colour: Green
-Shoes: etnies
-Bike company: animal bikes
-BMX contest: Boyley jam
-Bike shop: Happy rental bike
-Restaurant chain: My old Dutch
-Clothing company: Fila and Dickies
-Phone: iphone
-Music: Jazz, blues, reggae
-Ramp rider: Chase Hawk
-Street rider: Ian Schwartz
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Chad Degroot
-Old school rider: Ratboy!
-Drink: Beer
-Trick: Wallride
-BMX Magazine: The Albion
-Video game: Counter Strike
-BMX photographer: Rob Dolecki
-BMX Filmer: Bob Scerbo & Rich Forne
-Girl: Alexandra Morgade
-Sport besides BMX: Jungle trekking
-Party: Beach party in a tropical island