hammered at the club with all the boys. Actually one of my best memories in life.Biggest crash you've ever seen on a BMX?
Ola Selsjord: Oh that has to be Alex Liiv on that scarred episode, where he faceplants down a 20 stairset?
Have you ever eaten fastfood for a month straight?
Ola Selsjord: I have never eaten fastfood for a month straight! I don't even like the taste of it haha
Have you ever totaled a car?
Ola Selsjord: Close to totally sinking my dad's car in a swamp last summer, miles away from civilized life. Hahah shit was lit.
Did you ever get a fine for riding BMX?
Ola Selsjord: As there is only security guards throwing you out of spots in Norway, and not the police, you'll only get a warning, or two or three or four before they call the police. I think this one time we got like 5 warnings before they said they where gonna call the police. They never even did haha.
What's your nickname?
Ola Selsjord: From now on, I'm gonna start calling myself OlaBmx, on youtube etc. People seem to just never get how to say Selsjord haha. Guess it's easier that way. Who is the biggest legend you've seen at your local park?
Ola Selsjord: Probably Eirik Strengehagen, who was one of the first bmxers in Norway. He is 42 years of age, and has been riding for 30 years, and is STILL out riding more than most kids here! Pretty wild.
Last time you rode stoned/drunk?
Ola Selsjord: Never been stoned, but I rode drunk a couple times when I was 18/19, and crashed pretty bad, and it kinda scared me off.
Have you ever been caught by the police?
Ola Selsjord: Nope, I have actually barely even been talking to a cop haha.
Worst BMX injury you've had?
Ola Selsjord: The worst injury I have had has to be either the time I splattered my kidney, and almost bled to death, or when I had the bone bruise in my right ankle, that was really close to being a stress fracture. The crash from the kidney injury was harder and more intense, but the ankle thing was something that happened over time, and was so slow to heal. Don't really know which one of them was worse..
Highest amount you paid for luggage?
Ola Selsjord: Probably only like €70 euros, as I live in Europe and only take 1 to 2 hours long flights on most of my trips.
Stoked to be going to Simple Session?
Ola Selsjord: I'm so hyped about going to Simple Session this year! Especially because my new sponsor XDubai is the main sponsor of the event.
Thanks to: My dad for always supporting me, my mom for always helping me out with bike parts when I was younger cus I kept on bending everything on my bike. Xdubai, GET and Beat.No which was one of my first real sponsors, that has been supporting me loads. Guts.Com, and my new sponsor Extreme.
Pics by Brandon Means (bloody elbow) and Phil Skeggs (Q-pipe).