the airport. Markus Wilke shirtless in the club is just good to see haha.
Biggest crash you've ever seen on a BMX?
Paul Thölen: It’s probably Tom Van Den Bogaard when he knocked himself out at the Braaab contest in 2014.
Have you ever eaten fastfood for a month straight?
Paul Thölen: No I haven’t. Just because I think I have never been away from moms good food for more than 3 weeks.
Have you ever totaled a car?
Paul Thölen: I’m glad I have not haha. I mean I’ve got my driving license one month ago. And as I am only 17 I’m still driving with Mom and Dad.
Who is the biggest legend you've seen at your local park?
Paul Thölen: Maybe Kriss Kyle when he came to the 040BMXPark to surprise me for the „What a day“ shoot. But there where several other well known riders like Drew Bezanson for example.
Have you ever been caught by the police?
Paul Thölen: A few times because of silly stuff like no lights on my bike. But once I was really scared when we ran from a taxi at Fise Chengdu.
Worst BMX injury you've had?
Paul Thölen: Probably when I knocked myself out in the little bowl at 040BMXPark. Rode too fast and my front wheel slipped out of the ramp. The next morning I woke up with absolutely no clue what happened. Then the dentist found out that my front teeth are dead, now I can't feel them anymore.
Stoked to be going to Simple Session?
Paul Thölen: Who is not? I mean it is one of the biggest contests in the world with the best parties. A weekend full of happiness.
Thanks to: Red Bull and definitely Andy Zeiss for making it possible to go there!
The first two are by Hans Friedrich (20zollmagazine), the flair whip by Dasha Nosova and the flip no hand by Tim Korbmacher