Did you ever get a fine for riding BMX?
Daniel Wedemeijer: Got stopped over by the police a couple of times but a little talk got me out of fines.
What's your nickname?
Daniel Wedemeijer: Not really have one.
Who is the biggest legend you've seen at your local park?
Daniel Wedemeijer: I was really stoked to see my good friend Daniel Dhers ride at my local.
Last time you rode stoned/drunk?
Daniel Wedemeijer: Never. Have you ever been caught by the police?
Daniel Wedemeijer: When I was a little kid they arrested me once for some bad behavior in the neighborhood.
Worst BMX injury you've had?
Daniel Wedemeijer: When I landed face first on a concrete bowl at Reunion Island. Coma for 8 hours, lost a couple teeth and it took me a long time to feel good again.
Highest amount you paid for luggage?
Daniel Wedemeijer: I think that was in the States about two years ago... $350,-
Stoked to be going to Simple Session?
Daniel Wedemeijer: Missed out last year due to a broken ankle so hell yeahs I am stoked to go back.
Thanks to: Everyone around me supporting me and helping me out to keep that little kid bikes dream going. Espadrilles my sponsors.
Pics by BdJ/Red Bull and Aaron Zwaal