Jake Leiva: Lucky haven't seen nothing too serious but I think maybe 2011 Dew Tour when TJ Lavin crashed on dirt was prolly the worst!
Have you ever eaten fastfood for a month straight?
Jake Leiva: Yea I was In Japan and China over about a month and ate McDonald's every day haha but definitely doing better since then!
Have you ever totaled a car?
Jake Leiva: Nope never totaled a car!
Did you ever get a fine for riding BMX?
Jake Leiva: Nope never had any fines from riding!
What's your nickname?
Jake Leiva: No nicknames just Jake!
Who is the biggest legend you've seen at your local park?
Jake Leiva: Definitely Cory Nastazio, my all time favorite rider!
Last time you rode stoned/drunk?
Jake Leiva: Not too sure, been a while!
Have you ever been caught by the police?
Jake Leiva: Nope, been lucky staying away from the police!
Worst BMX injury you've had?
Jake Leiva: Tore my PCL in my left knee. Was out for about a month.
Highest amount you paid for luggage?
Jake Leiva: 100$
Stoked to be going to Simple Session?
Jake Leiva: Yea so stoked to be going, can't wait to get there and party!
Thanks to: Thanks to all my friends, family, and sponsors for all the support with what I do! Thanks bmx.