Ronnie: Hahahah, I really don't. I will just mess around with people that ask me if I am his brother and I will play dumb like what? 1? who?!? Then before I can tell them I'm joking someone is all; "ya you are" or something and blow my cover hahahha.

Ronnie: It was good, he would beat me up and I would cry.. Now I am taller and bigger than him and he really doesn't mess around anymore hahahh..
Who's most competitive?

Who's better at video games?
Ronnie: There is no competition there. I will kill him in any game any day.. hahaha

Ronnie: Also no competition there either, hahah but really I am having trouble with them lately and Anthony is stepping his game up..
Who pulls most chicks?
Ronnie: Hahaha well since he has a girlfriend that rules and sometimes does my homework (I hope mom isn't reading this), I guess I would have to say me..
You've been to Europe before but you're about to leave for Estonia. Do you like the travel part of being a sponsored BMX rider?

Ronnie: Ya I love it. It is so amazing traveling to places that I would never think I would be going to in my life and riding a 20" bike, hahah. Also you get to hang out with friends that you don't get to see much and meet so many new people every time you go.
What do you ride most?
Ronnie: I ride park the most for sure. I also love to ride trails and sometimes get street with it..
What do you think of the last two X-Games events having real street style courses?
Ronnie: I think it is pretty cool. I just for the first time in my life put on pegs and I am loving it.. I haven't done a handrail yet but soon, hahah.

Ronnie: I am usually at Woodward because there is really nothing left to ride in Youngstown because the only real park we had closed about 2 and a half years ago...( R.I.P. Section 8).
Who do you ride with?
Ronnie: I usually ride with everyone at Woodward like Anthony, Jeremiah Smith, Jamie Bestwick, Will Thomson, Seth, and everyone else that lives here.
Thanks to: My mom Vickie and the family, God, Christoph at MK, Kathy and everyone at Levi's, Will and Steve, Jeana at Maxxis, everyone at Woodward, Matt Miller, Catfish, Mark at Nike, Section 8, Charlie J., Jeremiah Smith, and Bart for giving me this interview....

Pics by: Jeff Brockmeyer, FAT, MK, Buddendeck, Ronnie.