When you started BMX were you imagining taking part in such a big event in your homeland ?
Alex Hiam: Not at all, this is crazy. For ten years I’ve never seen anything like this.
I talked to people who told me that here in Australia, extreme sports like surfing, skateboarding, BMX were cultural so it was time to have an international BMX event here just like there already are for skate and surf ?
Alex Hiam: Yeah and we are doing very well overseas so it was time to have something here.
Australia has some of the biggest names in BMX industry; Logan Martin, Kyle Baldock, Brock Horneman, yourself… compared to American riders all of you are really young, in your early twenties or younger, do you think Australia is the land of the new generation ?
Alex Hiam: Yeah, Australia’s young generation is on fire, some of the teens are 13-14 years old and they are the best in the world. How do you feel for the final, do you want to see an Australian win this very first international event in Oz ?
Alex Hiam: I feel the same as before qualifying, I just want to have fun, it’s gonna be another chance to ride the course. I don’t mind who wins because this person will deserve it, I just want everyone to have fun.
Thanks Alex, hopefully weather gonna be better when we will watch you for the final.
By Awalice FALL—MABON for fatbmx.com
Photos by Awalice/Ryan Guettler/Colin Mackay