-Website: Crispystream-Web video: Sean Burns bike check
-Food: Dead cow
-Twitter to follow: none
-Person on Instagram: @mikevockenson
-Travel destination: Nimbin
-Riders to ride with: Fairfield crew, legends
-Car: The van
-Movie: Chopper
-Colour: Green
-Bike company: S&M
-BMX contest: Filthy drains
-Bike shop: Lux
-Restaurant chain: Sushi train
-Clothing company: Chronic Bone
-Phone: One that works
-Music: Pond
-Ramp rider: Cody Pollard
-Street rider: Van Homan
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Old school rider: Dave Young
-Drink: Dare iced coffee
-Trick: X rides
-BMX Magazine: 2020
-Video game: Zelda
-BMX photographer: Jerry V
-BMX Filmer: Mike V
-Girl: The misso
-Sport besides BMX: Pool or drinking
-Party: ci