-Riders to ride with: Anyone who makes it fun
-Car: Porsche GT3 rs
-Movie: Lords of Dogtown
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Any company that helps support the scene
-BMX contest: AM: Born and Raised. Open: Simple Session
-Bike shop: Oriol bike shop, Block bikes
-Restaurant chain: Take me to PF changs
-Clothing company: Vans
-Phone: Galaxy s8
-Music: Anything with a breakdown
-Ramp rider: Kevin Peraza
-Street rider: Courage Adams
-Dirt rider: Kyle Baldock
-Flatland rider: MD
-Old school rider: Adam Banton
-Drink: Dr Pepper
-Trick: Manuals
-BMX Magazine: DIG/RIDE
-Video game: Forza
-Web video: Kaleidoscope
-BMX photographer: Ryan Fudger
-BMX Filmer: Doeby, Rigal
-Sport besides BMX: Surfing!
-Party: Nora Cup