-Car: I have a Toyota Corolla
-Movie: Action movies
-Colour: Blue
-Food: I love Mexican food
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Total BMX
-BMX contest: Fise Montpellier
-Bike shop: La Cribs
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle
-Clothing company: Vans
-Phone: IPhone for sure!
-Music: Rap / Hip hop
-Ramp rider: Logan Martin
-Street rider: Tyler Fernengel
-Dirt rider: Kevin Peraza
-Flatland rider: Jean-William Prévost
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Guru
-Trick: 360 no hand
-BMX Magazine: Ridebmx
-BMX MC: @paultv
-Video game: I don’t really play video games
-BMX photographer: Steven Moxley
-BMX Filmer: Christian Rigal
-Girl: Yes
-Sport besides BMX: Gym, ski
-Party: Yesss!
Pics by Steven Moxley, Karel Chladek (barspin) and Yann Roy (vert)