If you are wondering how you pronounce his name its "Jay" and he is another rider from Australia that goes big. A quiet guy who rides loads and hopefully someone we see more of. Q: Is this your first interview? A: No this is not my first interview. I have done some interviews for some bmx mags and sports mags
Q: You will be back in the States this weekend. What will you be doing there? A: Yep back in the States finally this year. I will be going to Woodward East for the first 2 weeks, then I will be doing the open qualifying round for the Dew Tour and during that time I will be staying with mates to ride all the local stops and haven a good time
Q: What was it like to ride that insane Red Bull dirt pipe? A: The Red Bull Dirt Pipe was insane! Turned up there and was like, I knew it was gunna be big but not this big, probably the scariest

thing I ever have rode. But after a few hours of everyone riding u just didn’t wanna stop. So fun but so fast.
Q: Whereabouts in Aussie do you come from? A: I come from a town on the central coast nsw called Lake Munmorah
Q: Do you plan to come and compete in the States? A: Yes I do. Just like to come over and see what the American competitions are like, n have good time and just ride
Q: Is there something in the water in Aus? How is that so many shredders come from down under? A: Hahah, yeah some of the riders over here are just shredding like you go to a local contest and see people that you have never seen before and there're just shredders. It's pretty amazing that most of the top guys in the world these days are Aussie riders.
Q: What was the last video you watched that got you stoked to ride? A: the last video was probley drama just seeing people iv

looked up to in my life just made me just wanna go ride
Q: Do you have any video parts yourself yet? A : I wish, nah no video parts, I have had little clips in videos from comps
Q: Working on any crazy tricks? A: No crazy tricks
Q: What was your first bike? A: My first bike was a really old Diamondback
Q: Shout outs to: A: Thank mum and dad for helping me, and Forgotten bikes and lki riders
By: Lloyd Ramsay