Do you think with flatland out of the X-Games and not in the Dew Tour that events like this were important to keep flatland going?
Andy Zeiss: Oh yeah – In fact one of the main reasons we did COB was the fact that Flatland didn't get the right attention and respect from media and other major contests. We wanted to create a flatland only event on a high level so

Andy Zeiss: Unfortunately not 100% - all media exposure was distributed by Red Bull Communications inhouse. But I know they did an amazing job, especially in 2002. Our goal was to open borders and to reflect Flatland in different media channels. Sports, Art, Music and lifestyle were the main categories where we distributet the footage in. We had a lot of great coverage, TV, Web and Print – the mediabook where we captured everything in was 4 inches thick.

Andy Zeiss: Oh yeah, for sure. I mean lets face it – Flatland is an amazing sport with an amazing lifestyle. There are big connections between Flatland and Red Bull, Flatland is independent, edgy, artsy, full of passion and dedication, determination, physical and mental power and control, etc. These are all facts behind Flatland and Red Bull. COB was the first and perfect kick off for Red Bull in Flatland activities.
Which flatland riders are sponsored by Red Bull?
Andy Zeiss: The first one was Viki Gomez, then there are of course Martti Kuoppa, Terry Adams and Ryoji Yamamoto. These are the main four I guess.
Flatland riding can be used for shows pretty much everywhere. Does Red Bull use their riders for shows on a regular basis?
Andy Zeiss: They dont “use” them but there are events where a show or demo is a nice thing. Flatland riders like to express themselves – doing shows is very normal to them. Sometimes even the riders come up with the ideas to do a show tour like the Bike'n Mic shows with Viki and Martti. Red Bull of course supports that in either way.

Andy Zeiss: Nothing really worth talking about already. There are always ideas here and there but I think it's a pretty interesting time at the moment as so many great and crazy (in a positive way) things are happening in Flatland. We'll see where it brings Flatland in future.
As for Circle of Balance – nothing is planned so far.