-Colour: Black, blue
-Shoes: DC Spartan high
-Bike company: Mafia bike, Profile racing, Maxxis tires
-BMX contest: Fise, Dew tour, X-games
-Bike shop: Il Butta BMX shop and park, my local spot and my local bike shop!
-Restaurant chain: Burger King
-Clothing company: Whip
-Phone: iPhone XR
-Music: I like so many music genres but rock music and heavy metal are the best to do bmx!
-Ramp rider: Logan Martin
-Street rider: Kriss Kyle
-Dirt rider: Kyle Baldock
-Old school rider: Dave Mirra
-Drink: Gatorade
-Trick: Double whip
-BMX Magazine: I never read a bmx magazine
-BMX MC: Catfish, the best in the game
-Video game: GTA San Andreas
-BMX photographer: Tommaso Vian (boardsphoto)
-BMX Filmer: Tyler Rizzi
-Girl: My girlfriend, she’s awesome.. always by my side to support me and what I love to do
-Sport besides BMX: I’m also a Motocross rider
-Party: Fise’s parties