Twitter: None
Instagram: Giovedì_g_nocchi
Travel: Everywhere
Riders to ride with: The crazy guys of the BmxRoma's crew
Car: Everything with 300HP or more
Movie: As BMX Movie; Above Below, as an Oscar movie Dgango Unchained
Color: Rainbow is the answer, now I'm in with pink
Shoes: Don't know, Vans
Bike company: SUNDAY
Bmx contest: Texas Toast
Bike Shop: Frontocean
Restaurant chain: None, nothing can compete with mum's recepies
Phone: Honor
Music: Synthwave
Ramp rider: Gary Young /Boyd Hilder
Street: Barraco and Reed Stark
Dirt rider: Chase Hawk
Flat: Don't like flat a lot (sorry)
Oldschool rider: Aitken
Drink: Beer
Website: Dig
Trick: Wall to fakie
Bmx filmer: Rich Forne
Girl: Yes
Sport besides: thriatlon
Party: Only when in the mood, but definitely yes.