-BMX video: Ride On (Hoffman 1990~) legendary.
-Website: Bmx.threadless.com
-Web video: ... I don’t really watch many unless a friend drops a flat project. Last longer video James White did was so fun though.
-Food: 2 meals a day
-Twitter to follow: Nah
-Person on Instagram: @terryadamsbmx
-Travel destination: Kyoto, Japan or Paris, France.
-Riders to ride with: Matt Gipson in 1994 but solo since then.
-Car: 4Runner
-Movie: Anything that was a great book, but I’ve never read the books haha
-Colour: Black and black
-Shoes: Vans era pro
-Bike company: Deco
-BMX contest: FISE Montpellier or Flatark Japan
-Bike shop: Secret BMX shop
-Restaurant chain: Anything with a burger I’m good.
-Clothing company: 430 Clothing
-Phone: iPhone 11 Pro for the cam.
-Music: Everything
-Ramp rider: Pat Casey at his house 4 miles away from me.
-Street rider: Kevin Peraza, best dude ever.
-Dirt rider: Pat Casey, Jake Leiva
-Flatland rider: Ucchie, Alex, Matthias, Terry, Kevin Nikulski, Chad D... haha ??♂️
-Old school rider: Brett Downs because he follows me on IG.
-Drink: Water, but I’ll sip a RedBull until it makes me sick because I weigh 145lbs haha.
-Trick: Darksides
-BMX Magazine: Go: the riders manual
-BMX MC: Uhhhh I cant say me right. Catfish owns it for sure and Darryl Nau is a good friend too.
-Video game: Only with my kids
-BMX photographer: Aaron Nardi when he’s not with the supermodels
-BMX Filmer: Sevisual
-Girl: My wife Rebecca
-Sport besides BMX: Indoor volleyball
-Party: With Jesus