-Web video: Simone Barraco in Shadow's What Could Go Wrong
-Food: Speck knödel
-Person on Instagram: ELGASAMIENTO
-Travel destination: Everywhere
-Riders to ride with: All my friends
-Car: Mercedes L406
-Movie: Inception
-Colour: Orange
-Shoes: vans
-Bike company: Cultcrew
-BMX contest: Rip bmx ibk 20inchtrophy
-Bike shop: FRONTOCEAN
-Restaurant chain: MEGAPIZZA
-Phone: Iphone 8
-Music: Mac Miller
-Ramp rider: Dennis Enarson, Stefan Lantschner
-Street rider: Simone Barraco
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitkein
-Drink: Water
-Trick: Oppo whip
-BMX photographer: Samyo Pereira
-BMX Filmer: Ellia_boy, Tony Ennis
-Girl: <3
-Sport besides BMX: Climbing
-Party: With the right people every party!