-Website: Defgrip
-Food: Pizza
-Person on Instagram: @Hamburgereyes
-Travel destination: NYC
-Riders to ride with: The Homies
-Movie: Scarface
-Shoes: NB
-Bike company: Animal
-Bike shop: Local Bmx
-Clothing company: Carhartt
-Phone: IPhone.....
-Music: Roc Marci
-Ramp rider: Kyle Ralston
-Street rider: Kyle Ralston
-Old school rider: Graham Scott
-Drink: Coffee
-Trick: Wallride
-BMX Magazine: The Albion
-BMX photographer: Jake Corless
-BMX Filmer: Callan Stibbards
-Sport besides BMX: BBall
-Party: Always
All the photos were shot by Jake Corless