Shoes: Vans Berle Pro right now
Bike company: Whatever is in the sale
BMX contest: Moomba in Melbourne
Bike shop: Crucial BMX in Bristol
Restaurant chain: Yardsale Pizza
Clothing company: ASDA George
Phone: Cracked iPhone
Music: Mazzy Star
Ramp rider: Nathan Goring
Street rider: David Grant
Dirt rider: Ben ‘UK Doyle’ Pearson
Flatland rider: Cadle @nebeldac
Old school rider: DMC for still killing it
Drink: Street beers
Trick: Tooth hanger
BMX Magazine: Any zine my friends make
BMX MC: Steve at The Spot
Video game: THPS 2
BMX photographer: Robin Pearson
BMX Filmer: Chez Moon
Girl: Mum
Sport besides BMX: Any other form of bikes
Party: Street beers