-Shoes: Ride Concepts
-Bike company: Radio. Thanks for helping me out my dudes!
-BMX contest: FISE/old school Dew Tour
-Bike shop: Crossleys
-Restaurant chain: Miss Kays
-Clothing company: Got me stumped on this one.
-Phone: Android
-Music: Heavy metal
-Ramp rider: Logan Martin/Brandon Loupos/Josh Matthews/Jake Wallwork/Alec Danelutti all these guys shred
-Street rider: Boyd Hilder
-Dirt rider: Leandro Moreira
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Dave Osato
-Drink: Just a weak Cordial after a big ride
-Trick: Fufanus or anything brake related
-BMX Magazine: Ride
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Dave Mirra Pro BMX 2
-BMX photographer: Wayne Cant and Andras Pentek
-BMX Filmer: Jack Paton
-Girl: Natalya Diehm
-Sport besides BMX: I get jazzed on how far scooters have come tbh
-Party: FISE spine finals. That whole contest is just one big party.
Pics: The can 1 hand, turndown air and super indy is Wayne Cant, the other 2 are Andras Pentek