-Movie: RAD
-Colour: BLACK
-Shoes: Kyle Walker Pros
-Bike company: None
-BMX contest: 3rd place Scotty pro/am Kitchen skatepark
-Bike shop: Four Seasons skatepark.
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle
-Clothing company: Vans
-Phone: Apple
-Music: Rap/metal/hip hop
-Ramp rider: Pat Casey
-Street rider: Dennis Enarson
-Dirt rider: Corey Nastazio
-Flatland rider: Dane Beardsley
-Old school rider: Harry Leary
-Drink: I love all energy drinks.
-Trick: Nothing Clap to Barspin
-BMX MC: Micah Kranz
-Video game: PIPE
-BMX photographer: Micah Kranz
-BMX Filmer: All of my friends
-Girl: Lexi Zalewski
-Sport besides BMX: Skateboarding/snowboarding
-Party: Where??