-Website: bsdforever.com
-Web video: Dan Paley VX rated
-Food: Chicken pesto peas tagliatelle herbs and anything with chipspice
-Twitter to follow: Never had it
-Person on Instagram: Saywhattttttt420
-Travel destination: Brooklyn banks
-Riders to ride with: Michael G Roper, Antonio Smallwood, Alex Donnachie, Guy Scroggie, Shanky, tbh there are a lot of homies I like to ride with but would be here all day. They're the people who stand out the most in my head.
-Car: Badger mobility F1 crank slapper
-Movie: The Amazing Steezman
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: etnies
-Bike company: BSD forever
-BMX contest: Nass
-Bike shop: Cottingham Cycle Centre
-Restaurant chain: Badger kebab
-Clothing company: DUB BMX
-Phone: Sold it for likes
-Music: Sandos
-Ramp rider: David Grant
-Street rider: Frazer Hill
-Dirt rider: Nasty
-Flatland rider: Amos Burke
-Old school riders: Fraz Watt, Grant Smith
-Drink: Bucky
-Trick: or treat
-BMX Magazine: endless
-BMX MC: Daryl Now
-Video game: FIFA street
-BMX Filmer: Dave Sowerby
-Girl: Mrs. Jibbs
-Sport besides BMX: DAMA
-Party: I don’t im t total