-Website: www.leviyocom.com
-Web video: Fiending
-Food: Breakfast
-Twitter to follow: Not a tweeter
-Person on Instagram: @boppysloppy
-Travel destination: Always loved Chicago
-Car: Subaru WRX
-Movie: The Lighthouse, Good Time, and There Will Be Blood.
-Colour: Black
-Drink: BEER
-Shoes: Vans-Riders to ride with: Jeff Oetzel, Austin Engstrom, T$B dudes, Edwin Garcia, and anyone else who always surprises me with their riding.
-Bike company: Kink BMX
-BMX contest: Vans Park Series
-Bike shop: Lets Roast Cycles
-Restaurant chain: Raising Canes baby! All fucking day.
-Clothing company: Levi’s
-Phone: IPhone
-Music: Hard rock, progressive rock, singer songwriter.
-Ramp rider: Mike Porter
-Street rider: Easy, Nathan Williams. That dude absolutely has it.
-Dirt rider: Pat Casey
-Flatland rider: Kevin Nikulski
-Old school rider: Josh Harrington, old school to me and a huge influence on my riding.
-Trick: Tire ride
-BMX Magazine: Dig
-BMX MC: Darryl Nau
-Video game: I don’t game.
-BMX photographer: Jeff Z and Greg Moliterno
-BMX Filmer: Tony Ennis or Veesh
-Girl: Zoey Deschanel
-Sport besides BMX: Been into shooting pool lately
-Party: All of em