-Person on Instagram: @guitar_farts
-Travel destination: Australia or the Czech Republic, baby!
-Riders to ride with: The Billy's of Richmond, Virginia! Ow ooww!
-Car: 1988 Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight, Royal Brougham edition
-Movie: Space Balls!
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Heelies! Ha
-Bike company: Muh'fuggin' FBM, baby!
-BMX contest: All the FBM Belmar jump offs!
-Bike shop: Powers BMX, baby!
-Restaurant chain: My kitchen ha
-Clothing company: Target brand girl jeans fucking rule!
-Phone: Beepers 4 Life!
-Music: All forms and fashions of music rule! So, DragonForce ha
-Ramp rider: Adam Ginch
-Street rider: Adam Ganch
-Dirt rider: Adam Ranch
-Flatland rider: The Gemini Wheelie King! Ow ooww!
-Old school rider: Tom Fkn Raniolo!
-Drink: Sleepy Time Tea!
-Trick: Table Top!! Woo!
-BMX Magazine: Challenger BMX and The O.D.D. Zine!
-BMX MC: Cran Dawg, baby!
-Video game: Sonic The Hedgehog!
-BMX photographer: Muthafriggin' Rob Dolecki, baby!
-BMX Filmer: Stew Fkn Johnson!
-Girl: My babe! And the girl from Rad! Ha
-Sport besides BMX: Extreme Heelies!
-Party: Anytime karaoke pursues! Woo!
Photo Cred'! : First photo: Scott Arcabascio Second photo: Steve Crandall Third photo: Crandall