-Website: https://poki.com/en/g/raft-wars
-Web video: Chaz Mailey- at Unit 23
-Person on Instagram: @jayham80
-Travel destination: Australia/ New Zealand
-Riders to ride with: Jeremy Hawkes, Robbie Honey, Samba, Tom hughes, Rian Clayton (Staffs crew) (Lichfield boiz)
-Car: Ferrari F40
-Movie: Disney Pixar Cars
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Vans Kyle Pro 2
-Bike company: S & M
-BMX contest: Backyard Jam
-Bike shop: Alpha Bmx shop
-Restaurant chain: Miller and Carter
-Clothing company: Palace
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Lady Gaga
-Ramp rider: Tom Justice
-Street rider: Simone Barraco
-Dirt rider: Joan Balmaña
-Flatland rider: Moto Sasaki
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Estrella
-Trick: Can Tyre grab
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK
-BMX MC: Fathead
-Video game: Tony Hawks American wasteland
-BMX photographer: Rob Dolecki
-BMX Filmer: Martin Grainger
-Girl: Romy Hares
-Sport besides BMX: Basketball
-Party: Lizzie Wint’s Gaff
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