-Website: Digbmx.com
-Web video: Tyler Fernengel Markit zero
-Food: Anything really
-Person on Instagram: Dennis Enarson
-Travel destination: Nimbin Australia
-Riders to ride with: @Chaimoody @Benwinter_1 @Cobescmpn @jakeryaan @Wookey4130
-Car: Hyundai iload are the best going
-Colour: Black and white
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Cult S&M Odyssey Éclat
-BMX contest: Battle of Hastings
-Bike shop: Lux BMX
-Restaurant chain: Probably a bitta Kentucky chicken
-Clothing company: Vans and Dickies
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin
-Ramp rider: Corey Walsh, Chai Moody
-Street rider: Callan Stibbards, Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Clint Reynolds, Mike Aitken, Chris Harti
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Beers
-Trick: Switch whips and tables
-BMX Magazine: Dig
-BMX MC: Darryl Nau
-Video game: Pipe Bmx
-BMX photographer: @Sleepersbmx @xcooperbrownleex @jeffzphoto @lowjax
-BMX Filmer: @therealbigsalad @benorris @timstorey
-Girl: @mikayla_inkpen
-Sport besides BMX: Skateboarding and snowboarding
-Party: Anywhere I can have a beer with my mates is a bloody good time