-Shoes: Vans high tops
-Bike company: wethepeople
-BMX contest: Simple Session for sure
-Bike shop: @stillbmx
-Restaurant chain: Just local junk food restaurant
-Clothing company: Dickies, Vans, Huf
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Rick Ross-Hustlin
-Food: Any spicy food
-Ramp rider: Kevin Peraza, Boyd Hilder and Corey Walsh
-Street rider: Felix Prangenberg, Jordan Godwin
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Edwin DeLaRosa
-Drink: Kombucha
-Trick: Barspin from huge drops haha
-BMX Magazine: Haven’t read one yet
-BMX MC: Darryl Nau
-Video game: Not a fan of video games
-BMX photographer: @hikarufunyu
-Sport besides BMX: BMX all day
-Party: HARD! haha