Nicky: At the local pool near my house or A4 TRAILS! ( the only good spots near my home.)
What better parks/spots do you visit on a regular basis?
Nicky: Everland and Skateland

Nicky: Haha of course not, it's a honour, because he's one of my favorites riders.
Do you analyze videos when you want to learn a certain trick or do you just ride and see what happens?
Nicky: Sometimes but most of the time I learn tricks when we are having a nice session with some people and go practise some new tricks with each other.
Who are some of the people you ride with on a regular basis?

Is it park/street mainly or have you been riding dirt as well?
Nicky: I ride everything as long as I have fun on my bike. So that will be Street, Dirt and park.
If you could pick sponsors, who would you pick?

Parts: UKbikes
Shoes: Nike/Vans
Clothing: Owl and DC
Bikeshop: Paulsboutique!! Soulcycle and SDG FO SHO !!
Backpack: Eastpak
Sunglasses: Von Zipper?
Energy drink: Rockstar! Great drink !
If you could take two riders on an ultimate road trip, who would be on board?
Nicky: Sven Schuilenburg and Bart Mol, because they are good motivated riders.
What vehicle would you drive?
Nicky: Pontiac Firebird! or Ford Mustang because of the great sound and looks. And for bmx trips with friends a Volvo Country, loads of space.

What kind of music would be blasting out of the speakers?
Nicky: Al kind of music and at the moment MGMT, Gorillaz and Daft Punk
What is one place that you guys would certainly visit?
Nicky: Rampworx, Creation and some streetspots, parties and outdoorparks.
What is an event you are looking forward to at the moment?
Nicky: BMX Masters 09 and Simple session
Last words/thanks:
Thanks Bart for the interview, Sven schuilenburg for the pictures and thanks to all the people who inspired me to ride bikes and my parents of course for helping with the bike on moments that I don't have money for my bike.

Pics: Sven Schuilenburg