-Website: YouTube
-Web video: Cookie sour chips
-Food: Vegan
-Person on Instagram: Zack Gerber
-Travel destination: Barcelona/UK
-Riders to ride with: Govan, Kyle, Mar, Cody, Felix, Blake the Ohio and Chicago dudes
-Car: Vans for life
-Movie: Groundhog Day
-Colour: Brown/yellow
-Shoes: Lems
-Bike company: animal
-Bike shop: Cycle Therapy, Albe's, Empire, Powers BMX Shop
-Restaurant chain: Not a chain, but Detroit Filling Station
-Clothing company: Patagonia
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Hardcore, punk, indie
-Ramp rider: Billy Woodruff
-Street rider: Mark Gralla
-Dirt rider: Matty
-Flatland rider: Flatland Dan
-Old school rider: Butcher
-Drink: Water/tea
-Trick: Feeble hard 180
-BMX Magazine: Dig
-BMX MC: Anyone but Catfish
-BMX photographer: Jeff Z
-BMX Filmer: Ryan Howard, Bob Scerbo
-Girl: My girlfriend
-Sport besides BMX: Rock climbing/yoga