-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: Yeezys
-Bike company: Subrosa Brand and Shadow Conspiracy
-BMX contest: Swampfest
-Bike shop: Circuit BMX
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle
-Clothing company: Champion
-Phone: IPhone 13
-Music: Pink Floyd
-Ramp rider: Dennis Enarson
-Street rider: Dennis Enarson
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Terry Adams
-Old school rider: DMC
-Drink: Coffee
-Trick: Lookback
-BMX Magazine: Heavy Pedals
-BMX MC: Boosty
-Video game: Skate 3
-BMX photographer: Josh McElwee
-BMX Filmer: Veesh
-Girl: All of them
-Sport besides BMX: Snowboarding
-Party: Not sure