-Food: Good craft organic seasonal food.
-Person on Instagram: drjamesdinic
-Travel destination: Malaga, Spain
-Riders to ride with: Max Bonfil
-Car: 2022 Kia Telluride
-Movie: Harold and Maude
-Colour: Green
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Cult and Profile
-BMX contest: Old Geneva (Switzerland) street jams
-Bike shop: Empire
-Restaurant chain: P.Terry’s
-Clothing company: Bicycle Union
-Phone: I Phone
-Music: Any inspirational music
-Ramp rider: Chase Hawk
-Street rider: Brett Silva
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Alexis Desolneux
-Old school rider: Max Bonfil
-Drink: Water/ craft beer
-Trick: Invert and can plants
-BMX Magazine: Dig
-BMX MC: Miguel Esparza “Santana”
-Video game: Mario games with my children
-BMX photographer: Hadrien Picard
-BMX Filmer: Stew Johnson
-Girl: My wife Michelle Pierre
-Sport besides BMX: Playing and wrestling with my children.
-Party: With my family and friends around a good BBQ in my backyard.