Well I can honestly say all the times I’ve hung with Nigel there hasn’t been a vert ramp to session. I’ve never been to trails with Nigel, but he’s asked to go out to Pinters the last few times he was in Cali. Nigel rides ramps anytime we stopped at a skatepark. I mean you won’t see a clip of him in the video but he’s a silent shredder. You also forgot to ask about flatland, if you look hard enough on youtube you can find a VERY old flatland how-to, by Nigel.
-Did you actually see him ride anything else than street in the last 12 months?
Yes, On the trips we hit up some skatparks, If there was a street course Nigel would spend most of his time there, but every so often you could look over and see two tire popping over copping.
-Who of the Nike 6.0 BMX crew could make the best graffiti?

Spinner could probably have a team of agents Locate and secure a sight and then have Monster Energy Drink Birng in a team of Graph artists. The end result would be a great big really cool looking green M. Dennis probably has some funny Cartooning skills and would definitely come up with something really funny. Garrett is one of those kids who will just write curse words that don’t go together, which is actually my personal favorite graphitti. However if we are talking real deal actual straight up graphitti I might give the award to Nigel…although I have heard Maxime is wanted in several countries in Europe for Writing on the walls!
-What games do you play when you're on the road?
Shit talk is everyone’s favorite game on the road!
-Does Nigel listen to anything else but rap? What the worst song on his iPod?
Yeah he listens to a bunch of stuff, Last time he was out here he was asking about getting a copy of a bravery CD that he liked a song he heard. I’d think 80% of the time he listens to rap, but he’s a pretty well rounded guy. I couldn’t tell you what’s on his ipod cause it’s always in his ears.

That’s a great question. I have no idea. Maybe new era hooked him up with a way of growing hats, cause he always seems to have a brand new fresh one on.
-Is Nigel a lady killer?
Well on the NIKE trips Losey is an official NIKE guy so it’s my job as a contractor to take out those guy’s trash, so in foreign countries when Nigel kills a lady, I have to hide the body. Actually yeah, he is very smooth with the woman. He a very friendly guy in general and I think that especially helps with the ladies. This Video was made before Nigel was on Nike Action Sports
-Nigel's favorite food: Cow Brains, ask him the story!
-Nigel's favorite trick: 180 Bar
-Nigel's favorite lady: The one with a car who can snatch him u

-Nigel's favorite words: “right now”
-Nigel's favorite song: “Nigel” by XTC or almost anything Jay Z
-Nigel's favorite excuse: ”I’m Tired B”
When can you expect to see Nigel's part on FATBMX?
10:00 PM PST on Nov 22nd through 10:00 AM Monday, Nov 24th.
The entire movie, Writing on the Wall will be available as a free download beginning Nov 24th at www.nike6.com/writingonthewall