-Movie: Lego Batman movie
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: Anything Vans, best riding shoes in the game
-Bike company: Ssquarred and Hyper
-Food: Cheeseburger, for sure
-BMX contest: USA BMX freestyle
-Bike shop: Antioch bike shop
-Restaurant chain: Canes chicken
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Rock
-Ramp rider: Scotty Cranmer
-Street rider: Chad Kerley
-Dirt rider: Brady Baker
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Drink: Redbull
-Trick: Superman!
-BMX Magazine: Pull magazine
-BMX MC: Micah Kranz or Eric Grindle
-Video game: Fortnite: yes I’m lame
-BMX photographer: Gork Barrett
-BMX Filmer: Gotta be my homie cole, he films most of my insta clips
-Girl: My mother
-Sport besides BMX: Basketball
-Party: Not a big partyer, would rather just have the boys over to watch football