-Colour: Brown, orange
-Shoes: Slip ons, been into the Vans pros lately but I also like the Etnies slips as well
-Bike company: Terrible One, my old man always had T1s when I was a kid and his bikes were always the sickest, not to mention the team, the art, the ramp (RIP), it’s just all around badass!
-BMX contest: Swampfest? Does that count? Vans pro cup as far as an actual contest
-Bike shop: Reds BMX in Springfield, MO and 5150 BMX in Orange, CA. Phillip Ranalli opened a bike shop in the location that we lived/premiered 1030D, shout-out to him for killin it and keeping the BMX spirit alive and well in that weird little warehouse haha.
-Restaurant chain: Raising Canes or In 'n Out
-Clothing company: Little Devil
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: I’m into it all, some favorites are Dystopia, Gang Starr, Smashing Pumkins, Pixies-Ramp rider: Jamie Bestwick, Joe Rich, Joesph Frans, and Jay Dalton, there must be a superpower associated with the letter “J”, haha.
-Street rider: Jordan Hango!
-Dirt rider: I feel like the obvious answer is Aitken, but my all time favorite is Brian Foster. Kris Bennett, Derrick Girard and Clint Reynolds is also up there on my list.
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois, I like how he incorporates some street elements from time to time.
-Old school rider: Brian Blyther hands down, so much style.
-Drink: Soda
-Trick: Table tops and other various forms of bike wiggles, pedaling as fast as you can and getting a nice tuck-up over a gap or something, that’s a trick right? Tricks come and go for me but that stuff never gets old.
-BMX Magazine: Old Ride mags, Dig, Silent
-BMX MC: THE CRAN-MAN, Steve Crandall
-Video game: Any action sports game over the years, I used to play a lot of Call of Duty too, Red Dead Redemption, GTA, LA Noire, Kansas winters suck haha.
-BMX photographer: Mark Losey, so much history. Also my friend Conor Travis, always fun to shoot with and he kills it.
-BMX Filmer:Stew Johnson, also a ton of history. Preston Okert is my favorite person to film with, I know I can trust him with the camera and we usually have the same ideas as far as angles and whatnot, it just works. In reality my favorite filmer is anyone picking up a camera in 2024, keep the BMX video alive!
-Girl: My girlfriend Alicia, I had a pretty gnarly shoulder surgery almost 2 months ago and she has been a champ. Very grateful for that, haha.
-Sport besides BMX: Skate, moto
-Party: Meh
Photos - Conor Travis / Pat Burke / Ricky Rios / Kirby Crumpler