-Shoes: Vans
-BMX contest: Show Jam St-Ho
-Bike shop: Ultraviolet sports
-Restaurant chain: Tim Hortons
-Clothing company: Chlorophylle
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Thirteen Silver Dollars by Colter Wall
-Ramp rider: Corey Walsh
-Street rider: Dakota Roche, Simone Barraco, Dan Lacey and Nathan Williams inspired me the most
-Dirt rider: Mathieu Plante St-Laurent
-Flatland rider: Maxime Compartino
-Old school rider: Etienne Boulanger
-Drink: Coffee
-Trick: Barspin
-BMX Magazine: DIGBMX
-Video game: CS2, OSRS
-BMX photographer: Fred Blurry and Wesmcgrath
-BMX Filmer: I'm also a filmer so I know all of them and they all inspired me in a way. But If I had to pick some it would be: Richard Forne, Tony Ennis, Ryan Chadwick and Peter Adam.
-Sport besides BMX: Basketball and Snowboarding
Evans in action!
Photo credits in the captions