Name: Jorrit van Drumpt
Age: 26
Hometown: Arnhem, The Netherlands
The FAT Favorites list:
-Spot to ride: Province house Arnhem
-BMX video: Comes in Waves by Jean William Prévost
-Food: Sushi or Dutch Chinese
-Person on Instagram: Kio Hayakawa with his crazy combo’s!
-Travel destination: Japan or Mexico
-Riders to ride with: The streetcrew in Arnhem and the Dutch flatland scene!
-Car: VW Polo 2001 haha
-Movie: Day after Tomorrow
-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: Etnies Marana Michelin
-Bike company: IGI BMX company
-BMX contest: BMX Cologne
-Bike shop: Fourpegsbmx
-Restaurant chain: Maccie for the road
-Clothing company: Vans, Etnies
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Random Hiphop
-Ramp rider: Kevin Peraza
-Street rider: Maarten Kumeling and Rinke Diependaal
-Dirt rider: Sem Kok
-Flatland rider: Yohei Uchino and Jean-William Prevost
-Old school rider: Dave Nourie
-Drink: Beer