-Car: My rangers hard to beat lol
-Movie: On any Sunday
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: About a month old pair of old Skool Vans
-Bike company: Supercross BMX
-BMX contest: Triple challenge
-Bike shop: Gordys Bicycles
-Restaurant chain: Burros 'n Fries
-Clothing company: Blank Target tees
-Phone: iPhone for the video sharing
-Music: Punk rock/metal
-Ramp rider: Kris Fox
-Street rider: Dennis Enarson
-Dirt rider: Mason Ritter cuz ain’t no one doing his tricks
-Old school rider: Nasty
-Drink: Big water guy
-Trick: Big moto whips
-BMX Magazine: Pull BMX
-BMX MC: Eric Grindal
-Video game: Skate 3
-BMX photographer: Stephendotmedia
-BMX Filmer: Lee Photography
-Girl: Shealyn Reno
-Sport besides BMX: UFC
-Party: I’m pretty square these days not much partying for me
Pics by @stephendotmedia and @leephotography71