-Spot to ride: Church in Praia da Luz, Portugal
-BMX video: Poor Boy BMX Man / Balancing Act / Gloat
-Website: Ourbmx/Flatmatteronline/FATBMX.
-Web video: Simone Barraco -10%.
-Food: Breakfast fruit juice and pastries.
-Person on Instagram: Harvey Lewis (Ultra runner)
-Travel destination: Tahiti.
-Riders to ride with: Èrico Melo and the RnR boys
-Car: The Loaf Bread Volkswagen Combi Van
-Movie: Back to the Future 1
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Cult/Heresy
-BMX contest: Worlds
-Bike shop: Metro Bikes/ Bike Factory / Cheap Goods
-Restaurant chain: Ginya
-Clothing company: Patagonia / North Face.
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Punk Rock
-Ramp rider: Cory Walsh
-Street rider: Èrico Melo
-Dirt rider: Ruben Alcantara
-Flatland rider: JP
-Old school rider: Martin Aparijo
-Drink: Pomegranate juice with mint
-Trick: Tire slide
-BMX Magazine: Silent/Dig
-BMX MC: The English guy at the world’s
-Video game: Street Fighter
-BMX photographer: Kai kuusisto/ Jeff Zielinski /Juan Camilo Cifuentes
-BMX Filmer: Mark Eaton/Hells Bells/Bobby Carter
-Girl: Miss Melo
-Sport besides BMX: Ultra running, Surf and Skate
-Party: XRX winter sessions