-BMX video: It’s a hard choice between “FORWARD”, “Fitlife”, and “Let ‘Em Talk”. Any of those three!
-Website: I don’t really look at websites much other than shopping, so I’d probably say Musinsa or HEIGHTS.
-Web video: Any of Dakota’s or Felix’s web parts, also Ian Schwartz “Gone Fishing”, or any of the 22cru videos these days.
-Food: Sandwiches in any format, Korean BBQ
-Person on Instagram: @sowtlow his riding style is so unique and his tricks always keep you wondering what’s gonna happen next. Brett Silva and Julian always post cool stuff, too, as well as this trials bike rider I’ve been watching a lot lately, his name is @sintaroooooo
-Travel destination: Taipei, Taiwan for riding, Tokyo for a non-bike holiday.-Riders to ride with: Everyone in @serotoninseoul, especially Ji, Boony, Hanwool, Gyumin, Bevy, Sapo, Jake, and Mir!
-Car: Whatever fits the bikes in, I’m not really into cars that much.
-Colour: Grey, blue, black?
-Shoes: Vans, New Balance
-Bike company: Sunday, Odyssey, GSport
-BMX contest: Simple Session and Swampfest look fun! Idk if it counts but the Borough Breaker Rally was really sick, I was really excited to watch all of those.
-Bike shop: SHREDDBIKES!
-Restaurant chain: I love Maccas
-Clothing company: LORES, Hatchingroom, Polyteru
-Phone: iPhone 15 Pro Max
-Music: New Jeans
-Ramp rider: Sergio Layos
-Street rider: Felix Prangenberg
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Paul Chamberlain
-Old school rider: Hoffman, Mirra, Nyquist… is that old enough?
-Drink: Beer, water, sparkling water
-Trick: 180 to fakie
-BMX Magazine: I have a big box full of RideBMX issues from the early 2000s… now, I’d say Silent, Slack, Dig.
-BMX MC: Scotty Cranmer- he has such a good personality for announcing I think and he always sees all the switch and opposite tricks.
-Video game: I don’t like video games much, but I think Diablo and Tekken are pretty cool.
-BMX photographer: LC (@sleepersbmx) or Scott Marceau
-BMX Filmer: Zach Krejmas, Ji Hoon Lee
-Girl: My gf? She can bunnyhop hahaha… otherwise @paulatina_x is sick!
-Sport besides BMX: I like watching English Premier League w the Mrs… watch a lot of skateboarding and inline also.
-Party: The best party is post-ride beers at the spot in any city.