and let's not forget Desmond Guthrey (D-Smooth). We all have Niknames, Ha Ha I love it.
-Car: I ride my Honda CBR 600 in the summer and My Hoopty that's somehow still working? I would love a Audi R8. It's on my wish list from Santa. Santa better come through this year!
-Movie: Goal "The Dream Begins" I don't really like soccer but this movie changed my life.
-Colour: Gray and Black
-Shoes: Nike High Tops all Murdered out!
-Bike company: Snafu and F-IT ,Odyssey too
-BMX contest: KING of New York. I like that it's Underground
-Street spot: Down the street from my Mamma's house In the Bronx but every time I go there I have to fight someone so they don't steel my bike.
-Bike shop: Albe's
-Clothing company: Zoo York, I've always digged that brand
-Phone: Right now Lg NV2 but I would love an I-Phone, Santa Claus hook it up son!
-Game: Dave Mirra on PS2 I was Off my bike for 1 year and a half and I played it just about every day, It kept me sane!
-Music: Hip Hop, Rock, Pop Party Hits.
-Band: Kanye West, LiL Wayne, Pitt Bull ............. You know the Hits!
-Drink: H2O on the rocks, shaken not stirred!
-Trick: Flat spin 5'ssssss I've been doing barspins in them and whips!
-BMX Magazine: Ride BMX