-Colour: Lately the color combination of teal and a soft yellow.
-Shoes: Etnies Faction
-BMX contest: Elevation
-Bike shop: Kore bike shop
-Clothing company: I think bmx companies need to step up in the softgoods dept.
-Music: All time: Tribe Called Quest, The Roots, Pharcyde, Les Savy Fav, Broken Social Scene. Lately; Plants and Animals, Antony and the Johnsons, Milosh, Count Bass D, new Q-tip
-Ramp rider: Wood ramps are boring.. concrete park rider; Brian Yeagle

-Dirt rider: Bohan and Baker
-Flatland rider: Mathias Dandois
-Drink: Coke, and whiskey together or seperate.
-Trick: Gettin' sideways
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK and Dig (trails!). RIDE US has been getting a lot better lately as well. I guess I like them all
-Girl: In my dreams... Shannyn Sossamon, Natalie Portman, and Scarlett Johannson. In real life; Jen.
-Sport besides BMX: To play; pool. To watch; football (go cardinals!)
-Party: Any Redbull party rules, or any party with a good amount of babes, a pool table, and free drinks. hah