If you haven't heard of Morgan Wade, you will soon. FATBMX put the microphone in front of his face in Prague and the Texan started talking. Morgan is one of the new "hot guys" that will be in the picture for years to come. Might as well check in with him now.
Is this this your first time in Europe?
Morgan Wade: It's my second time in Europe but my first time riding bikes over here.
Where did you go on your first trip?
Morgan Wade: I went to Italy for two weeks on a vacation with my mom and brother.
What's your first impression of this European BMX freestyle contest?
Morgan Wade: I love it, it's awesome over here. I enjoy it.
What's the difference between the Euro contest and contests in the USA?
Morgan Wade: I think the biggest difference is the crowd. The people are more into the sport, they understand the tricks better. In the US if you're not doing a flip or if you're not going super high, they don't really understand. Overhere if you just roll in and do a liptrick or something that might be hard but doesn't look spectacular, everyone's like YEAH! That's the biggest difference.
Where are you from?
Morgan Wade: I'm from Tyler, Texas.
And you ride for?
Morgan Wade: Mutiny, I have my own frame.
Has anything changed now that Steev Inge is no longer in charge and guys like Joe Simon have taken over?
Morgan Wade: It's good. I think Steev is good but he didn't have much time to run the company and now that Joe is running it, it's going to pick up.
I think it's pretty cool from you to stick with a rather small bike company, what's you take on that?
Morgan Wade: Basically they were my first sponsor. I've always liked their stuff and I really didn't want to change bikes. I decided to stick with it, it's going to be good.
You're a freestyle pro now, you're making a living riding BMX bikes, did you ever think that would happen?
Morgan Wade: I think everyone when they start riding hopes it will work out some day. I expected to have a job. I did college for two years already so I'm about half way through that and things are picking up on the BMX side so I kind of took a break with school. So far it's working out so it's good.
Who are your other sponsors?
Morgan Wade: I just got on the Etnies team and I ride for UGP, SNAFU, RiffRaf and Mutiny.
What do you like to ride at home when you have your pick?
Morgan Wade: Usually I like to ride ramps and street because there are guys around to ride with. I dabble with flatland stuff, hang-5s and stuff.
You used 4 bikes in your miniramp run and all of a sudden you had a bike with a frontbrake on, how was that?
Morgan Wade: Haha, I had a front brake several years ago, 2002 is when I took it off, but I used to ride with a frontbrake all the time. It was fun, I can do all the little nosepicks and stuff. It was fun, I was Ahhh, I got a front brake, I gotta use it a little......
Who do you ride with in Texas?
Morgan Wade: Uhm it just depends. A lot of times I go downtown Austin and ride with whoever is in town. Joel Moody, Joe Simon, the T-1 riders and those guys.
Do you like touring better than contests?
Morgan Wade: I think contests are fun because all your friends are in one spot and you make a big session and everyone is having fun and you see everyone at once. Road trips I think are more fun just because there are fewer people, but you're like really good friends with them, and you just ride new spots, have fun and relax.
What do you have on your program this year?
Morgan Wade: I'm doing the Mountain Dew tour thing and then X-Games and Gravity Games, the MSS contests and hopefully I'm getting into that LG thing again and the Roots jam, I like that one.
After experiencing this contest in Europe do you plan on coming back?
Morgan Wade: Definitely, I'm coming back for the Rebel Jam in Berlin and I'll be over in London for the Urban Games and hopefully the Backyard Jam.