-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Country bikes
-BMX contest: BMX Masters Koln, Germany
-Bike shop: Paradise
-Clothing company: Kanabeach
-Phone: Nokia
-Music: a bit of evrything
-BMX photographer: Manu Sanz, Alex Dropsy
-BMX filmer: Will Stroud, Alex Baret
-Ramp rider: Matt Hoffman
-Street rider: Ruben Alcantara
-Dirt rider: Chris Doyle
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Drink: Jack Daniels
-Trick: nothing
-BMX Magazine: Cream
-TV program: CSI
-Girl: Keira Knightley
-Sport besides BMX: football
-Party: with open bar and hot chicks