How old are you? 19
How long have you been riding? This will be my 5th year addicted to BMX
Any sponsors helping you out these days? Ya, my local shop Gene's Sports and by Dedline6 apparel

What been your best finish? I have won a game of B.I.K.E or two but never had a big win. I did place 4th at metro jam which was a blessing. The problem is that contest or not I have such a fun time on my bike I can never just give 50% when I touch those handle bars I just want to ride as hard as I can then if you throw a good vibe in there there’s no stop to it, so at contests I end up riding all day having a blast but by the time my actual run comes around I’m exhausted and can’t really do the run I wanted to but I’m there to have fun on my bike not to see how I stack up against someone else.

What have been some of your favorite video parts? That’s hard but I think Aaron Ross in Chill Bro! and Morgan Wade's part in the mutiny road trip DVD. Both make me want to ride my bike; I watch a lot of web-vids and ones from Mark Webb, Scotty Cranmer, Jared Chilko, and Steven Moxley never disappoint.

How do you survive the long winters in Saskatchewan? Cry...a lot of crying. No, [Laughter] but Saskatchewan winters are very depressing I try to get to Edmonton as much as possible to ride at Thorsby. My dream is to be able to ride my bike everyday of the year so hopefully I find a spot where I can do that.
Have anything planned for this upcoming season? Have fun, learn tricks, travel, make friends, don’t get seriously hurt, and hit up lots of contests with the bros.
If you could ride anywhere in the world where would it be? Right at this moment Thorsby indoor, but if I could go anywhere I think I’d like to try out Woodward it looks like a really fun place.
If you didn’t ride your bike, what else do you think you would be doing? If I never found BMX I’d probably be in school somewhere wondering why I have never found something that I truly love.

Special Thanks? God , my Dad for always supporting me and letting me chase my dream, Chad (Levesque) and teamgenes.com also Rob (Pavez) at dedline6, also Brodie (Gwilliam) for putting together edits, and of course all of my biking friends.