-Travel destination: California.
-Movie: I recently just saw Bio Dome. Good shit.
-Colour: Red.
-Shoes: Nike 6.0.
-Bike company: Redline.
-BMX contest: Dew Tour.
-Bike shop: Albe's.

-Clothing company: Levi's.
-Phone: Voyageur, from Verizon.
-Music: Hip Hop, Reggae, Rap and Metal
-Ramp rider: Daniel Dhers.
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds.
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan.
-Flatland rider: Dane Beardsley.
-Drink: Orange juice.
-Trick: Foot Jam.
-BMX Magazine: RideBMX US.
-BMX MC: Catfish.
-Video game: Skate 2 for XBOX 360.
-BMX photographer: Ryan Fudger.
-Girl: All Girls.
-Sport besides BMX: Wake boarding, Motocross, Snowboarding and Disc Golf.
-Party: Everyday.

Pics: Chad Kagy