-Movie: The Gooniens
-Colour: Green
-Shoes: VANS for comfortable riding brooo
-Bike company: MirraCo
-BMX contest: Fise Montpellier and DEW Tour 2008
-Bike shop: Rosso Lesegno
-Clothing company: OAKLEY
-Phone: old Nokia
-Music: RAP, Disco 80' 90'
-Flatland rider: Adams, Dandois, Jumelin, Chiquet, Puentes and Lukas
-Ramp riders: D Dhers, Jamie, Mirra, McCann, Young , Ali W

-Street riders: Garrett, Homan, Martinez, KID Simone Barraco
-Dirt riders: Bohan, Enarson, Parslow, Nasty and White
-Drink: RED BULL
-Trick: Tergicristallo (whip to whip back) Bars and no hand stuff
-BMX Magazine: Cream
-BMX MC: DJ, Paul and Catfish
-Video game: Sonic and Tetris 80's shit
-BMX photographer: Ricky, Fat Tony and Olaf
-Girl: Mexican and Asian ;)
-Sport besides BMX: Gym, Running bike, Ping Pong, Snowboarding and Motocross
-Party: Mexico, DEW and Montpellieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)
-Food: Mexican and Chinese
-Riders to ride with: Kid, Pasqui, Fefe, Magut crew in Italy and in US Miah, Jorge, Double D, Jamie, Scoot and Chad