-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Fit bike co.
-Clothing company: Levi's
-BMX contest: BMX worlds!
-Bike shop: Paul's Boutique.
-Restaurant chain: SUBWAY
-Phone: LG Vieuty
-Travel destination: Cologne, U.S. some day..

-Ramp rider: Lantschner, Layos, Guettler, Mackay.
-Street rider: Roche, Cleveland, KP, Young.
-Dirt rider: Aitken, Hawk, BF, Matt Priest
-Flatland rider: Michael S.
-Party: like a rockstar at the worlds, and local bar OJA.
-BMX photographer: Bart de Jong, Rudger Pauw.
-Drink: Bavaria, water.
-Trick: Tables, can-can's and the simple stuff that don't even have names
-BMX Magazine: Ride bmx
-BMX MC: Micha
-Video game: Tony Hawk, or GTA
-Girls: Yeah!
-Sport besides BMX: making jokes!
-Music: the music my own band makes. (rock, metal)