-Football club: bears!
-Spot to ride: Wilson.
-BMX video: RFs 1
-Website: vinylbmx.com
-Web video: QVC bloopers.
-Riders to ride with: Sergio, Brian K, Stefan, or Kevin Kalkoff, David. Anyone at that matter.
-Car: Honda element.
-Movie: Big Lebowski.
-Colour: black.
-Shoes: Porter 2s
-Bike company: Fly Bikes.
-BMX contest: the old dirt contest, late 90s style.
-Bike shop: Empire.
-Clothing company: UGP.

-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Johnny Cash.
-Flatland rider: Matt Wilhelm.
-Ramp rider: Chase Hawk.
-Street rider: Brad Simms.
-Dirt rider: again Chase.
-Old school rider: Brian Blyther.

-Trick: bowl surfing.
-BMX Magazine: Dig.
-BMX MC: Catfish.
-Video game: Tetris.
-BMX photographer: Ed doc.
-Girl: Chelsea brook Waldrop and Katy Marie Waldrop
-Sport besides BMX: Pro Barista championships.
-TV program: Southland.
-Party: The worlds a few years back in Koln.
-Food: anything vegan.