-Colour: black for those who never red.
-Shoes: currently ripping loteks
-Bike company: Metal, Shadow, Subrosa
-BMX contest: WORLDS! hup holland hup!
-Bike shop: Soulcycle
-Restaurant chain: z510hx
-Clothing company: Prada
-Phone: iphone
-Music: anything that fits the mood, mostly bands and oldies
-Ramp rider: Mat Hoffman
-Street rider: Garret fucking Reynolds ain't from this earth
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Dez Maarssen
-Old school rider: The Gonz
-Drink: Glenfiddich

-BMX Magazine: RideUK
-BMX MC: FSO baas1
-Video game: I don't play around
-BMX photographer: Rutger Pauw
-Girl: not one in particular haha
-Sport besides BMX: sex
-Party: Where?!